FAEN is providing one of the demonstrators for the proposal, acting as the representative of the Asturias pilot. The Asturias plant is a pumping test plant where dense fluids will be tested in a post-coal mining environment. In the project, tests will be carried out in the plant to validate procedures and tools.

Project Initiated

Project Status

Oct. 2024
In Progress

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Team Members

César Valmaseda Tranque
European Projects Technician
Indalecio González Fernández
Technical Coordinator

Project description

The Stor-Hy Project focuses on the development of innovative hydropower storage technology and operations. The project focuses on minimising investment and operating costs (CAPEX, OPEX) for innovative pumped storage projects by improving the lifetime and recyclability of components and equipment, and defining operational strategies for unconventional schemes. Using digital tools for strategic and operational management, STOR-HY aims to improve the efficiency, reliability, flexibility and resilience of the EU energy grid. The services and tools to be developed will be validated in several demonstrators. One of the demonstrators is located in Asturias.

The main objectives can be summarised as follows:

- Developing solutions to improve the durability and reliability of reversible pumped storage plants

- Improving operation and control strategies and developing digital tools to modernise reversible pumping plants, including hybridisation.

- Develop business models and operational plans for innovative solutions for pumped storage plants

- Development, commissioning and validation of several reversible pumping pilot plants, including the Asturias pilot plant.

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