The principle of "energy efficiency first" is being well captured in national energy plans but when translated to the local and regional levels this principle is not clearly stated. Region1st aims to raise awareness of this principle among regional governments and their energy agencies. Tools and support services will be developed and applied initially in six pilot regions, including Asturias, and then extended to 100 regions across Europe.

Project Initiated

Project Status

Oct. 2022
In progress

Team Members

César Valmaseda Tranque
European Projects Technician
Dr. Francisco Gayo López
Indalecio González Fernández
Technical Coordinator
María Jesús Rodríguez Dorronsoro
Head of External Relations

Project description

Regio1st raises awareness of the principle of Energy Efficiency First (EE1st) between regional governments and their agencies and supports them in making related decisions in their planning. It does this by providing adequate guidance to regional authorities to incorporate the EE1st principle in their decisions and in the implementation of their energy plans starting from six participating regions and expanding to more than 100 regions in the EU. It establishes a community of practice for EE1st in cooperation with the Covenant of Mayors to ensure political commitment from regional authorities and strengthens the implementation of the provision of the Multi-Level Dialogue on Climate and Energy, with a particular focus on ownership and acceptance of the principle by stakeholders at all levels.

Regio1st has 3 main objectives:

1. Provide decision support for regional authorities to apply the EE1st principle in their energy-related planning practices with a decision support framework for regional authorities, online and in-person trainings and guidance materials.
2. Establish a community of practice for EE1st to ensure political commitment and social acceptance through the joint development of energy-related scenarios.
3. Support the introduction or strengthening of EE1st in the revision of National Energy and Climate Plans (NECP), Regional Operational Programmes and encourage the implementation of the provision of the Multi-level Dialogue on Climate and Energy.

FAEN acts as a regional agency for Asturias, one of the 6 pilot regions of the project. Based on the actions carried out in the project, the tool will be validated and advice will be received from the Consortium, which will allow the revision of the Just Energy Transition Strategy of the Principality of Asturias so that it duly includes the "energy efficiency first" principle. It will also be actively involved in extending the principle to other regions in Europe.

Related documents

Brochure REGIO1ST
Brochure Regio1st Planning Frameworks

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