Captura de pantalla 2023-03-06 a las 11.50 1
JUSTEM aims to carry out actions and develop tools to support regions in energy transition in the development of projects aimed at combating energy poverty. It will be carried out under the approach of an active participation of citizens and an adaptation of regional strategies. To this end, an assessment of the current situation in the participating regions will be carried out, tools will be developed to facilitate the participation of the general public, workshops with citizens will be organised, a proposal for a plan aimed at combating energy poverty will be developed and a portfolio of projects will be created. Each of these actions will be carried out in the 6 participating regions, all of which are coal regions in the process of energy transition.

Project Initiated

Project Status

Oct. 2022
In progress

Team Members

César Valmaseda Tranque
European Projects Technician
Dr. Francisco Gayo López
Indalecio González Fernández
Technical Coordinator

Project description

The project has three main objectives:

  • Creating practical solutions for citizen empowerment and engagement in Just Transition
  • Establish methodology to align regional Energy Transition Strategies with existing project proposals to combat fuel poverty.
  • Develop knowledge about fuel poverty and the means to combat it.

FAEN acts as the regional agency for Asturias, one of the 6 regions participating in the project. It will actively participate in the actions to be developed in the project, revising the Regional Energy Transition Strategy to reinforce the measures aimed at combating energy poverty, involving regional agents, seeking the participation of citizens and compiling and promoting projects aimed at combating energy poverty.

Related documents

JUSTEM_Key terms of just transitions

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