The Asturian Energy Foundation requires the immediate incorporation of the following people ONE person for the development of work related to the European GINNGER project, in accordance with the following requirements:

TITLE OF POST AND GRADEAL: Engineering Technician.

FUNCTIONS: Support and technical assistance in the European project GINNGER

UNIVERSITY DEGREE REQUIRED: University degree in engineering or similar. Preferably Industrial/Mining Engineering. Master's and third degree studies will be an advantage.


Experience in renewable energy generation systems projects, energy efficiency and local energy communities.

Experience in developing energy and climate strategies or action plans.

Knowledge of European and national energy, climate, energy transition and just transition policies

Knowledge of European-wide associations, technology platforms and regions.

DURATIONTemporary contract 26 months.


CONDITIONSAccording to the Asturias offices and offices agreement.


Deadline for submitting applications until :until 29 January, via email

Open Tenders

Awarded Tenders

Year 2024

Contract for the development of a tool to support the analysis of risks and vulnerabilities linked to the effects of climate change in Asturias.
CAM06-2024- Procurement file
Service contract for administrative and economic-financial consultancy services to support the work of the OTC Faen Community Transformation Office (CAM05 2024).
CAM05-2024- Procurement Expdte.
Procurement of legal advice necessary to support the work of the Community Transformation Office of the Asturian Energy Foundation.
CAM04 2024- Recruitment Expdte.
Procurement of technical assistance for the assessment of the impact on the industrial value chain in Asturias of the development of wind farms in the North Atlantic demarcation.
CA02-2024-Acta Mesa
Contracting of services for the development and implementation of a digital and gamified application to update the existing models in the exhibition of the Asturian Energy Foundation (FAEN).
CAM03-2024-Acta Mesa
Creation, development and implementation of the communication plan for the work of the Office for Community Transformation OTC Faen
CAM01-2024-Acta Mesa
Call for ideas for dissemination actions on Energy Transition

Year 2023

Energy Supply Contract for FAEN's head office
Tender Technical assistance to assess the existing potential in Asturias for the creation of an industrial hub taking advantage of the boost to renewable gases.
Tendering Technical assistance for the design, dimensioning and cost analysis of a demonstrative installation for reversible pumping of dense fluids.
Tender for technical assistance for the collection and evaluation of potential impacts of offshore wind energy
Tender Contract Works Contract for Photovoltaic Solar Installation for collective self-consumption
Procurement of remote management system for the network of solar stations for the development of the solar map.
Recruitment of a controller for the economic justification of the Biowind Project.
Tender for Technical Assistance BIOWIND Project

Closed Tenders and Announcements

The object of this contract is the development of a digital tool or system, as well as the
training in their handling, support in carrying out a quantitative risk analysis
and vulnerabilities linked to the effects of climate change in Asturias, with a scale
sufficient to address the municipal scope and thus support municipalities in decision making
in their energy and climate action and measure planning processes (SECAP).

The time limit The deadline for the submission of applications is the following day Thursday 19 December, 12h00.

Proposals shall be submitted electronically by e-mail to the address: stating the file number (CAM06-2024), the name of the tenderer, as well as the contact person, telephone number and e-mail address for notifications

The purpose of this contract is to provide specialised legal advice on energy issues in order to ensure the proper work of the Community Transformation Office of the Asturian Energy Foundation, for the promotion of Energy Communities in Asturias. The aim of the contract is to provide access to specific legal knowledge to the staff of the OTC FAEN, in such a way that all the branches of law necessary for the correct constitution and operation of the energy communities are addressed. In this way, the contract will address not only the transmission of this knowledge through guides or courses of a transversal and generic nature, but will also do so on an ad hoc basis through the doubts raised by FAEN staff for specific projects.

The time limit The deadline for the submission of applications is the following day 23 September inclusive.

Proposals shall be submitted electronically by e-mail to the address: stating the file number (CAM04-2024), the name of the tenderer, as well as the contact person, telephone number and e-mail address for notifications.

The purpose of this tender is to contract the administrative and economic-financial advice necessary to support the work of the OTC and to facilitate the ultimate objective of creating and maintaining Energy Communities in the Principality of Asturias.

The time limit The deadline for the submission of applications is 14:00 on the following day. 25 October.

Proposals shall be submitted electronically by e-mail to the address: stating the file number (CAM05 2024), the name of the tenderer, as well as the contact person, telephone number and e-mail address for notifications.

The purpose of the contract is the contracting of a technical assistance service aimed at evaluating
the potential impact of battery plants on local environments.

The time limit The deadline for the submission of applications is 14:00 on the following day. 9 October.

Proposals shall be submitted electronically by e-mail to the address: stating the file number ( CM10-2024), the name of the tenderer, as well as the contact person, telephone number and e-mail address for notifications.

The purpose of this competition is to evaluate and reward proposals for dissemination,
organisation of events, publications, games, activities of a cultural, social or cultural nature.
The aim is to promote the dissemination of the Just Transition concept and the main contents of the campaign (energy saving and efficiency) in all municipalities and population areas.

The actions will focus on two groups:
- Category 1: Young people between 8 and 18 years old.
- Category 2: Proposals aimed at the adult population.

The proposals finally selected will receive the following amounts as a grant

Category 1:
- First Prize: 2,000 euros
- Second Prize 1.500 euros
- Third Prize: 1,000 euros

Category 2:
- First Prize: 2,000 euros
- Second Prize 1.500 euros
- Third Prize: 1.000 euro

The time limit The deadline for the submission of applications is the day 26 April 2024, 14.00 hours

The purpose of the contract is to contract a technical assistance service aimed at assessing the socio-economic impact on the regional industrial fabric of the development of wind farms in the North Atlantic Demarcation.

Deadline for submitting proposals is 15 June at 14:00, via email or of the web link.

The Asturian Energy Foundation requires the immediate incorporation of an
person for the development of work related to the project Office of the
Community Transformation (OTC FAEN) for the promotion of energy communities.


  • Community Transformation Office support and technical assistance
    (OTC FAEN).
    Pre-dimensioning of installations. Elaboration of studies for the evaluation of the
    potential for harnessing the existing energy resource.
    - Participation in the production of informative and informative material on the subject of
    self-consumption and energy communities.
    - Collaboration in the organisation and development of events, seminars and conferences.
    - Participation in training activities.
    - Collaboration with regional, national and European platforms and agencies a
    effects of technology watch and best available techniques.
    - Participation in conferences, meetings and other related events.
    - Technology watch and monitoring of the evolution of current legislation.
    - Monitoring of local energy communities created.
    - Contact with entities related to the thematic area in the search for objectives.

Deadline for applications until : 31 May at 12 noon, via email

The purpose of this tender is the creation, development and execution of the Communication Plan for the work of the Community Transformation Office (CTO) of the Asturian Energy Foundation.

If you have any doubts about the specifications, the procedure for submitting proposals or other similar questions, please contact the OTC FAEN: and the telephone 984 074 637available on the following days 12,15, 19 and 20 of
March, from 8:30-14:30.

The time limit The deadline for submission of proposals will be until the day of 22 March 2024.  

The purpose of this call for tenders is to contract technical assistance for the implementation of the design,
sizing and cost analysis of a demonstration storage facility
energy, with reversible dense-fluid pumping technology, with a capacity in the range of
50 to 100kWh.

This invitation to tender is for a contract for a technical assistance service for the evaluation of potential
of creating a regional industrial hub through the promotion of a regional industrial
renewable gas ecosystem in Asturias for the Fundación Asturiana de
Energy (FAEN).

The Asturian Energy Foundation requires the immediate incorporation of ONE person to replace technical staff.

The present Tender Specifications are intended to govern the contracting of a service to collect information on the potential effects that wind turbines may have on marine ecosystems in the areas identified in the POEM off the coast of Asturias, considering the particularities of each location, as well as the effect on the species that are fished in the areas.
It is therefore proposed to contract technical assistance to carry out this work.
collection and assessment of results.


The present specifications are intended to govern the contracting of a SPECIALISED ADVICE SERVICE FOR THE DEFINITION OF GENERAL CRITERIA FOR THE ORGANISATION OF SUSTAINABLE GROWTH IN THE RENEWABLE ENERGY SECTOR, which will allow the subsequent development of guidelines on renewable energies that include the most relevant aspects of the territory. This advice will include the different technologies related to renewable energies on land and at sea (wind, photovoltaic, others), excluding biomass, as well as the energy transport or distribution infrastructures that may be necessary, with the analysis referring to large generation capacity facilities (multi-megawatt).

 The present Tender Specifications are intended to govern the
contracting of the design, supply, installation and legalisation of a plant
solar photovoltaic for collective self-consumption located on the rooftop of the
municipal building (operational services building), located in the locality of
La Felguera (Asturias), guaranteeing its correct functioning, the quality of
the materials, the guarantees they carry and the safety of the installation.
It also lays down the minimum technical conditions that must be met by the
solar photovoltaic installation.


The Asturian Energy Foundation requires the immediate incorporation of two people to carry out work related to the project. Office of Community Transformation (OTC FAEN) for the promotion of self-consumption.

The Asturian Energy Foundation is inviting tenders for the award of the contract for the energy supply of the building called "Sala de Compresores" in the former Pozo Barredo (Calle Fray Paulino Álvarez, s/n, Campus Universitario, 33600 MIERES), which currently houses the headquarters of the Asturian Energy Foundation (FAEN) and certain facilities of the Barredo Foundation.
The Asturian Energy Foundation requires the immediate incorporation of a person to work in the
development of work related to European projects BIOWIND and REGIO1ST.

The deadline for the submission of applications is 30 October to 7 November to the e-mail address .

Transparency Portal of the Principality of Asturias

Offer in Trabajastur

The Asturian Energy Foundation (FAEN) has been developing the Solar Map of Asturias since 2006. The aim of this work is to record solar radiation in the region, using 13 measuring stations installed in different locations in Asturias. The solar stations have a system for measuring, recording and, four of them, transmitting data to the FAEN headquarters in Mieres.
FAEN, in its process of continuous improvement of this network, has opened a public tender for the contracting of a service to equip the 9 stations that currently do not have a remote management system, which includes the acquisition, supply, assembly and commissioning of the necessary equipment and software, as well as the training of FAEN's technical staff in its correct use.


Tender for Technical Assistance BIOWIND Project

As a partner in the EU-funded project "BIOWIND - Increasing social acceptance for wind energy in EU regions through environmental and community-based planning (project code: 01C0144)"approved under the 1st call of the INTERREG EUROPE 2021 - 2027 programme, the Asturian Energy Foundation (FAEN)intends to award a service contract for the development of technical assistance related to the following activities:

- A1.3: Exchange of practices on improving the social acceptance of wind energy.
- A4.5: Development of a sustainability strategy.


Recruitment of a controller for the justification of expenditure for the "BIOWIND project: Improving the social acceptance of wind energy in EU regions through environmental and community planning (01C0144)".

As a partner of the EU funded project "BIOWIND - Increasing social acceptance for wind energy in EU regions through environmental and community-based planning (project code: 01C0144)", approved under the 1st call of the INTERREG EUROPE 2021 - 2027 programme, the Asturian Energy Foundation (FAEN), intends to award a service contract for the verification of the 8 biannual expenditure certifications to be carried out in the framework of the BIOWIND project.


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