On 8 June, a follow-up meeting will be held for the SoWhat Project in the Swedish city of Goteborg, where the Asturian Energy Foundation will be present as a partner of the Project.
In addition, the day 9 June 2022 the Workshop will take place: SO WHAT tool for waste heat and cold valorisation. In this workshop, the tool created within the framework of the SO WHAT project will be presented. It is a software that will help industries, companies and/or entities to make decisions, as it will allow auditing the industrial process to verify the heat/cold surpluses of the different installations.
The software allows verification of the utilisation potential, simulation and comparison of waste heat/cold utilisation technologies, mapping of local heating/cooling demand, simulation of cost-effective scenarios based on the utilisation technologies, integration with renewable sources and evaluation of innovative financing models to ensure economically viable solutions and low-risk investments.