
Presentation of the Hy2market project at FIDMA

In the EDP pavilion at the International Trade Fair of Asturais (FIDMA) this year it is possible to see the virtual twin of EDP's future Aboño renewable hydrogen plant. Thanks to this replica, it is possible to take a virtual tour of the first phase of the Asturian renewable hydrogen valley, which plans to start up 150 MW of electrolysis capacity.

An innovative project in Asturias coordinated by the Asturian Energy Foundation (FAEN) through the I3 Fund, in which EDP is acting as a driver of the renewable hydrogen value chain. Signal Software, for example, has received European funds for the development of this project. In addition, three other Asturian SMEs (Hidritec, Sazepi and ICT Tactics) and a company from Leon (Tresca Engineering) have received grants from the European Commission to carry out studies and engineering and design work for the project.


Aug. 5, 2024

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