
Asturian Climate Action Strategy

It has been published in the BOPA the Asturias' Climate Action Strategy 2023-2030The main objective is to achieve a 55% reduction in total greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990.

The Principality of Asturias Climate Action Strategy is the regional government's instrument for including climate change mitigation and adaptation as priorities for political action in all areas of its competence, assuming the commitment adopted in the Institutional Declaration on Climate Emergency.

The strategy formulates four general objectives:

  • To reduce total GHG emissions in Asturias by 55 % by 2030 compared to 1990, and to lay the foundations for achieving climate neutrality by 2050, contributing to national and European mitigation targets.
  • Integrate the climate variable into regional planning instruments and sectoral policies in order to improve adaptation to climate change.
  • Objective 3. To orient regional scientific knowledge and technological innovation towards decarbonisation and adaptation to climate change.
  • Objective 4. Train, raise awareness and involve the population in action against the climate emergency.

To meet the challenges and achieve the goals set out above, the strategy envisages action in 10 different areas ranging from energy and industry to mobility, the residential sector and waste, among others.

The full document can be found at the following link Asturias' Climate Action Strategy 2023-2030

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Jun. 20, 2023

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