In commemoration of the International Energy Efficiency Daythe past 5 Marchthe headquarters of the Asturian Energy Foundation became the set for a special of the Hoy por Hoy" programme of the Cadena Ser Gijón. The need to comply with the European Union's "energy efficiency first" as a key element in the decarbonisation process and the improvement that this entails in energy, environmental and economic terms was emphasised. Attention was then focused mainly on the recent creation of the Office of Community Transition (OTC) by FAEN, which was attended by the technical adviser Asunción García and the legal adviser Diego Lago. Both experts shared knowledge on the technical and legal aspects necessary for the implementation of energy communities.

The opening of the programme was attended by the Director of the Fundación Asturiana de la Energía,, Carlos Garciaand the Director General for Energy of the Consejería de Transición Ecológica (Department of Ecological Transition), Mª Belarmina DíazHe highlighted the commitment of the administration at four levels: institutional, strategic, identification of public and private projects and initiatives, and the search for funds and aid. For his part, the Director of FAEN underlined the change of mentality of citizens towards energy saving, motivated by both environmental and economic concerns. He also praised the efforts made by Asturian municipalities, such as the transition to LED lighting in towns and cities.

The participation of the administration was represented by Mauro Rodriguez y Javier MéndezThey explained the procedure for the legalisation of installations and the subsidies currently available. In addition, a real Energy Community project in Bimenes was presented, through the perspective of one of its representatives, Rubén Tamargo.

The International Energy Efficiency Day special proved to be an informative and enriching event, consolidating the importance of collaboration between institutions, experts and communities to move towards a more sustainable and energy efficient future.
You can listen to the full programme at Hoy por Hoy Special FAEN (05/03/2024)