The Government of Asturias has created a new line of aid, endowed with some 6.3 million euros, to promote the improvement of energy efficiency in tourist accommodation in the community. The new call for subsidies has been published in the Official Gazette of the Principality (Bopa) and its financing will be covered by the European Next Generation funds. The time limit The deadline for the submission of applications will be open from the 1st9 January until the next 18 February.
The Regional Ministry of Culture, Linguistic Policy and Tourism is promoting this new aid package to support the implementation of renewable energies.
and saving measures in hotels, tourist accommodation, rural accommodation, campsites and hostels, and will be the Fundación Asturiana de la Energía, the collaborating entity in this process and we will advise on the application process in terms of the requirements to be fulfilled and the documentation to be submitted.
Thus, the aid will allow individuals, companies, tenants and concessionaires of accommodation to undertake actions such as the improvement of the thermal envelope of the building or the implementation of the use of renewable energies in heating, air conditioning, cooling, ventilation and domestic hot water installations. The call also covers the installation of heating and cooling networks powered by renewable energy sources and waste heat for multi-building tourist complexes. Support will also be given for actions to improve lighting systems.