It has been published by the Regional Ministry of Culture, Linguistic Policy and Tourismthe Resolution correcting the material error in the Resolution of 14 December 2022, approving the regulatory bases for the granting of aid for the financing of energy efficiency projects for tourism companies in the Principality of Asturias within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
It is within the Annex IV (1. Documentation required to make the aid application), points m) and n) and ñ) to read:
m) Plan for carrying out the obligation to adopt the dissemination measures consisting of giving adequate publicity, on the part of the beneficiaries, of the public nature of the funding of the action. This plan shall describe the activities proposed for the dissemination of the project (media, networks, etc.).
n) Creditors' file accompanied by a photocopy of the applicant's DNI or CIF, as appropriate. In any case, the Administration of the Principality of Asturias may verify the bank accounts supplied with the bank in which the account to which it refers is held by virtue of the authorisation granted by the applicant.
ñ). Registration in the Register of Tourism Companies and Activities of the Principality of Asturias prior to the publication of this call for applications.
And within the Annex IV(2. Documentation required to justify the actions carried out) should read:
"1. A copy of the applications for licences or administrative authorisations necessary for the execution of the actions. In the event that these are not necessary, a declaration of responsibility stating that it is not necessary to apply for licences or authorisations for the execution of the actions. If the action requires a project, a copy of the project of the work actually carried out".
That is why it is deadline for submitting applications has been extended one more month from the publication of the Resolution in the BOPA, i.e. the deadline is extended until 14 March 2023.
You can download the BOPA where it is published in the following link BOPA 14-02-2023