Localización: Bilbao

On November 7th, the Asturian Energy Foundation will be present at the conference event organised by TECNALIA in Bilbao "Boosting Data Economy in Smart Grids" in which FAEN will represent the DATA CELLAR project on the importance of data platforms for the management and development of smart grid communities.

On 9 June at the Yimby Space in Bilbao, the VI Meeting of public bodies and energy agencies will be held within the framework of the events held by EnerAgen. The Director of the Asturian Energy Foundation will participate in these meetings by moderating the Key Technology table: Renewable energies, energy efficiency and electromobility, and in turn intervening [...]

The Director General of the Asturian Energy Foundation (Faen), Carlos García, moderates the debate Key technology: renewable energies, energy efficiency and electromobility, and participates as a speaker at the round table Key diversity: other initiatives to comment on. The Observatory for a Just Energy Transition of Asturias, in the framework of the 6th Meeting of Public and Private Organisations, [...]