
Technical Seminar: Industrial Decarbonisation and Energy Saving Certificates: Success Stories

The next 18 November is held on "Technical Seminar: Industrial Decarbonisation and Energy Saving Certificates: Success Stories" organised by the Association of Industrial Engineers of Asturias, which offers a unique opportunity to learn first-hand about advances in decarbonisation strategies and the application of Energy Saving Certificates (ESC) in the industrial sector. This event brings together representatives of key institutions and pioneering companies in sustainability to discuss how energy saving policies are transforming industry and the region, presenting success stories that are national benchmarks.

The Asturian Energy Foundation collaborates with it, and the Director of FAEN participates in the closing of the conference.

You can register at the following link


09:30 h. | Registration and reception of participants.
10:00 h. | Institutional Welcome.
Official College of Industrial Engineers of the Principality of Asturias. Dean. Mr José Esteban Fernández Rico.
Iberdrola. Delegate of Iberdrola in Asturias. Mr. Juan Cifuentes Rodríguez.
Government of the Principality of Asturias . Regional Minister for Ecological Transition, Industry and Economic Development. Ms. Nieves Roqueñí Gutiérrez.
10:20 h. | Challenges and opportunities of the energy transition in Asturias
Representation of the Principality of Asturias. Director General of Energy and Mining. María Belarmina Díaz Aguado.
10:40 h. | Savings Certificates (CAE's): Processing in the Principality.
Consejería Transición Ecológica, Industria y Desarrollo Económico (Department of Ecological Transition, Industry and Economic Development). Mr Luis Ángel Díaz Suárez.
AENOR. Industry and Energy Manager. Mr Juan Manuel García Sánchez
11:10 h. | Round Table: Decarbonisation Case Studies.
Moderator: IBERDROLA. Head of CAE Management at Smart Iberdrola. Ms Patricia Figar.
The following spoke:
CAPSA. Director of Sustainability. Ms. Estefanía Iglesias González.
BAYER and Alianza Q-Zero. Head of Sustainability & HSE Technician. Ms. Virginia Chomón García.
ENCE. Director of Energy. Mr. José Ángel Castro Abad.
12:00 h. | Closing:
FAEN. Director General. Mr. Carlos García Sánchez.
FADE. Director General. Mr. Alberto González Menéndez.
12:15 h. | Networking Café


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