
XLV Edition Granda Courses

As part of this year's XLV Edition of the Granda Courses, the Asturian Energy Foundation will once again be taking part in them, specifically in the day's 9 August titled WHY HYDROGEN AND WHY NOW? VECTOR FOR A CLEAN, SAFE AND AFFORDABLE ENERGY FUTURE. 

Indalecio González, FAEN's Technical Coordinator, will participate in the Round Table II: "Analysis of the situation of the hydrogen industry and its future: what problems does it propose to solve? The Case of Asturias". moderated by Mr. Juan José Fernández Díaz, Dean of the Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Minas del Noroeste de España.

Programme of the Conference

Places are limited and to attend you need to book by e-mail inscripciones@cursosdelagranda.es  indicating the course in which you are interested and enclosing your name and surname, identity card number and a contact telephone number. 

More information: www.cursosdelagranda.es


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